Community Financing

Helping you, help the community. Everybody deserves the right, to be able to drive a car.   

Community Exchange

Your helping hand to buy a car...

Sometimes life throws things up which you don’t expect making it tough to afford the essentials, like a car. Maybe you’ve lost your job or consider a vulnerable person so struggle to get finance...
But if you’re part of the Norbury community, you have options.
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to drive. So regardless of your situation, and due to our strong community links, you now have access to our community grant pool - a generous fund donated by incredible people who want to help the people of Norbury.
It’s our way of building strong links with any vulnerable people like the disabled; those unable to work or earning the minimum wage, and single parents on a low income.
If you’re struggling to afford your next car, this is for you.

Apply For this Service

To apply for this service please click here to fill out your application or contact us today


How To Buy A Car

It’s super simple. You fill in an application, then check out the finance options we can offer you. You might not even have to pay a penny back.
Because this grant is community-focused, we’re committed to making it work for you. Our goal is to help people buy the car they need. No more. No less.
You have two options to consider which is the right one for you.

You can purchase a car bought on a loan with monthly repayments

Or you can buy a car entirely outright

To apply for a grant to buy your next, or to discover more, click below.


The simple way to help the community

Imagine being able to transform the life of an underprivileged Norbury family with just the click of a button.
Well, you can.

It’s easy to take the life-changing effects of a car for granted. But the flexibility it gives to take children to school, be independent and support a family, and to those with mental health challenges, is essential. That’s why we created the Finance Service Initiative - a simple way to help these families get access to a vehicle.

If you have money earning zero interest in the bank, your generosity could be put to good use and help the community’s less fortunate. And, because all your money gets underwritten, you’re guaranteed to get it back if you wish to. You’ll never lose out.

That’s why we need your help to support our Finance Service so that together we can reach the neediest of those in our community.


Whether you want to pledge a donation without any financial payment in return or donate money freely, you’ll be helping to drastically change the lives of, and open the doors for, families throughout Norbury.

This is a smart way to make your money work for the community, rather than letting it sit idly in the bank. It’s a guaranteed win for those who deserve the freedom a car provides. With just the click of a button, you can change the lives of countless people from your community.


If you’d prefer to stay anonymous, we respect that. Your details will never be shared with anyone unless you want it to be.